Who We Are

Middle East Media

Our purpose is to make a strategic contribution to moving people of the Middle East towards life-transforming faith in Jesus Christ through the creative and culturally relevant use of media.

Our vision is to see the people of the Middle East reconciled to the loving God and equipped to creatively transform their communities.

We believe in the life-transforming power of Jesus Christ.

We believe in the strategic use of creative media to share the love of Jesus.

We believe in the relevance of the Gospel in every aspect of people’s lives.

For 50 years we have been working in some of the most challenging areas of the Middle East. Our agile media teams and partners work together to bring hope to those who need it most.

Our work fills the gaps in media ministry. Outside Egypt and Lebanon, people in the region often lack basic media production knowledge, skills and equipment. With over 25 dialects of Arabic and hundreds of people groups in the Middle East, there is a shortage of content in people’s heart languages. By equipping and developing media teams we aim to ensure there is relevant content available for communities all across the Middle East.

We believe in the power of sustainable indigenous ministry.

Our local teams present the Gospel in their dialects and in a way that addresses religious misconceptions and is culturally appropriate. We train indigenous teams in media ministry and develop them to be sustainable and replicable – to be able to train and walk alongside other new teams. This enables far more people groups to be reached with the Gospel than would otherwise be possible.

Since 1975, we have trained more than 12,000 people in media from over 30 countries like Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait and Yemen.

We are all about receiving and reflecting hope – we call it “Unstoppable Hope”. We aim to bring encouragement even in the darkest situations. Together we persevere, believing God will enable us to accomplish what He has called us to do.

I learnt that no matter the hard situation I am in, God still stretches out His hands and holds mine.

– Aysha*, refugee child.

I learned that no matter the hard situation I am in, God still stretches out His hands and holds mine.

– Aysha*, refugee child.

*Name changed for security reasons.

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