New Media Teams

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Recent months have seen natural disasters and increased instability in places where we have been training emerging media teams. Our teams, our partners, and their communities need our continued support.

Libya is still reeling from the flood which tore through the city of Derna, leaving over 10,000 dead and 46,000 people displaced. Even before this disaster, political stalemate and dire living conditions meant that Libya was a volatile and sensitive place to work in. Despite this, MEM has been training and supporting a new media team for Libya to translate and record the Bible in the Libyan dialect, in which no Bible translation exists. The team have almost finished translating and creating audio recordings of the four Gospels. Their future goal is to start a digital ministry with a specialised page for Libyan youth.

Our team are travelling to Northern Iraq, also known as Iraqi Kurdistan, this November to train 16 Kurdish, Yazidi and Iranian young believers on how to use digital media to reach their communities for Christ. This is particularly exciting as 98% of people in Iraq are unreached with the Gospel. However, after a recent suicide bombing outside the Turkish parliament, Turkey launched airstrikes against Kurdish militants in Northern Iraq as we write this.

In Morocco, the need for Jesus in the wake of the earthquake is great. We have been working with an emerging media team in Morocco and last year we provided training to 13 local believers in media basics. They have requested our help with producing the programmes that share the Gospel and resonate with Moroccans.

The war in Sudan has forced hundreds of thousands of Sudanese to flee to where our team are in North Africa. Although the war is upsetting, it is a blessing to meet media teams from Sudan in person. They have a unique hunger and thirst for the Good News of Jesus, especially in the midst of war. We are now working with two teams, equipping them with media and social media skills so that they can share Jesus with those who follow the dominant religion of Sudan.

Prayer Points –

Please pray for this new media team as they continue to navigate a sensitive security situation and work hard to reach Libyans with the Gospel.

Please pray for visas that our teams are waiting, for a safe travel for MEM’s team and that the training will be fruitful, so that more Iranians, Kurds, and Yazidis can hear about Jesus.

Praise God for new connections with Sudanese media teams despite the war. Pray that God will sustain them as they learn to reach other Sudanese people with the message of Christ.

Please pray for this emerging Moroccan team, wisdom to know how to move forward in this season, and for increased funds to help us do so.

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Read All About It –

Take a look at some of our other news and updates:

Call2Prayer and a Call2Give: the lesser-reported aftershocks of the Turkey-Syria earthquakes

Almost 50,000 dead and tens of thousands more left injured, homeless and in mourning…as we all watched the unfolding news of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit south-eastern Turkey and Syria in the early hours of February 6, we were rightly filled with feelings of horror and helplessness. A month on, the region is still experiencing aftershocks..but not just in the form of physical tremors. Make a difference today by praying and giving towards our renowned Life in the Desert programme for traumatised children.

Family Matters: How our media is transforming family life

Creative media impacts communities in remarkable and unpredictable ways. Read how two of our popular children's projects are not only touching the lives of children, but their parents' lives as well. 

Empowering Indigenous Content Creators: An Update on New Media Teams

A vital part of MEM’s new strategy is our commitment to holistically empowering, discipling and training new media ministry teams made up of local believers. Hear about the latest developments in the region from our Director of New Teams, and commit to praying for them.