More than just a prophet – Fatin’s Story

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Our Gulf women’s social media outreach project, led by trained believers from the majority background, launched on Facebook and Instagram at the end of 2022 and has already been receiving an overwhelmingly positive response. The team estimated that, in the first year, they would reach 800,000 social media accounts with their posts. However, after only 4 months, they had reached 938,000 accounts, received over 10,000 direct messages, and had 3 professions of faith!

The page has certainly been life-transforming for Fatin*. Fatin is a girl from the Gulf in her mid-twenties, who came across the Facebook page and connected with one of the women on there.

She felt comfortable enough to open up in conversation, and shared how her home life is a constant struggle. Her mother verbally abuses her, putting her at odds with the rest of the family. Fatin felt as though she was a failure and disappointment, and knew she needed to seek help.

The female believer responding to Fatin was compassionate and immediately began praying for her. She sent her some encouraging Bible verses via direct message, and asked Fatin if she had ever read any Bible verses before.

 “No,” Fatin said.

The woman replied, “would you like to read more of the Bible? It’s all about Jesus. What do you know about him?

Isn’t he a prophet who did many miracles?

Yes, but he is also so much more.”

The two ladies discussed who Jesus claims to be in the Bible versus what the Qur’an says about him. They talked about many things, including Zakat, the duty of giving alms to the poor in Islam.

As it was the month of Ramadan, charitable giving and paying off debts was particularly salient in Fatin’s community. A religious custom there during Ramadan is working towards paying off the debts of a prisoner, as an act of goodwill. As the women chatted about this custom, an opportunity to share some spiritual truths arose.

 “We all have debt that we cannot pay for, like the prisoners in your community. The sin in our lives is needs paying for, and we are spiritually indebted to God. Whatever good works we do to try and pay for it cannot cover us, even if we spend our whole lives working to pay it off. The Bible says that the penalty for sin is death. But, how would you feel if someone completely paid this debt for you?

I would be in awe!” Fatin replied.

Do you know the difference between a prophet and a Saviour? A Saviour pays your debts, and that’s what Jesus did for you. He is the only one who has authority over death and the only one who can pay for your sin. Do you believe this?

Yes. I accept that Jesus paid my debts for me!


Give thanks to the Lord that He opened Fatin’s eyes to see that Jesus paid for her sin. She is still talking with the same woman on the page, beginning to learn and grow in her understanding of faith.

Please remember Fatin, and the women’s team, in your prayers. Pray that the Good News will fall upon good soil in Fatin’s heart, and that the team will be able to minister truth and healing to her in the most appropriate way. Please also pray for enough support for the team as they work tirelessly to create content, maintain the pages, and respond to the many messages they have been receiving. Pray that this ministry will not just be sowing seeds, but be making disciples throughout the Gulf!

*name has been changed for security reasons

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