Call2Prayer: Reaching, Discipling & Empowering New Believers

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We had a really constructive Online Day of Prayer last Tuesday as part of our MEM Week – and a huge thank you to all those who attended or were praying with us from afar. As Jolita, our European Director, put it, “prayer is our most powerful weapon!” 

If you didn’t make it along last week but wish to spend some time in prayer for the things we covered, keep reading…these prayer needs technically have no expiry date.

Across our three prayer sessions, we tackled three different stages at which we carry out our ministry. These stages are definitely not exhaustive, nor are they fully representative of the breath of MEM’s work. However, they point directly into the atmosphere present within the region in which we work, and towards ultimately what we hope to achieve as we lean on God and step out in faith.

Please pray with us for:


  • For people: For the 400 million+ population of the MENA, specifically the near 50% of this population who are under 25. Pray especially for those who have never heard the truth about Jesus; that MEM would have the right strategies and appealing material to reach them.

  • For projects: For two more recent, yet rapidly growing, social media projects reaching the unreached: Kingdom Platform, and the Gulf Women’s Social Media outreach, which we are calling Desert Roses.


  • For people: That MEM’s teams would be able to welcome and strengthen new believers through our networks and care. Pray also for those who have become believers through MEM’s ministry throughout the years – may they find a place protection, home, family and fellowship among other believers. May they grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus, whatever they face, especially as they reconcile and wrestle with issues of identity. We specifically lift up the two individuals that we know of who recently gave their lives to Jesus through Desert Roses.

  • For projects: Those that aim to support new believers – Voices of the Persecuted, Hello, God Restored Me. Also for the Biblical Counselling Programme that we translated into Arabic before the pandemic to be used more widely with those struggling spiritually. Lastly, for the new Refuge Centre being established in a safe country outside of the Gulf, through our partners, for new believers who have relocated to this country. May many find a home here, in every sense of the word.


  • For people: Pray for the voices of Arab Christians to be heard within the region; may they be a growing, strengthening, force for good. May more spiritually mature leaders be raised up from among communities of new believers who are ready to win lives for the Kingdom. We pray in faith that we might see more powerful movements of God among the Arab world in this decade through their ministry to their own people.

  • For projects: For healthy leadership and unity within each of the new media groups we are working with, or starting conversations with –  Northern Iraq, Morocco, the Gulf, Tunisia, Libyan and Sudanese groups. For our Director of New Media Teams and other local staff to know how to walk alongside different groups in healthy and helpful ways.

“For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.”

Ephesians 1:15-16

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