A look at our 2022 financial year

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We are so thankful for your financial support in 2022. These pie charts represent the data from our international operation, subject to audit later this year.

Income from our products and services has been always vital to our position and reputation in the regional marketplace. It helps us to ensure a professional standard that is as good as, or better than, what the world is producing. Much of this income comes from other ministry partners and organisations using our media expertise.

However, if we were to receive more income from grants and donations, our local teams would be able to dedicate themselves more to our own creative ministry projects, such as Kingdom Platform, that reach the unreached. Last year, our income from grants and donations was lower than planned. Gifts from the UK and Europe supported media productions, training workshops, ministry to women and children, and new media teams; ministry operational costs were also contributed to.

This year, we trust God that we will not only restore our income levels to those of previous years, but increase them beyond this. We are also trusting Him and challenging ourselves to grow our grants and donations by 20% each year for the next 3 years.

Will you consider helping MEM meet this target? By starting to give or by increasing your financial partnership with us, you could help us considerably expand our ministry impact.

If you would like to hear more about MEM’s impact in the region, or speak about your financial partnership, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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Read All About It –

Take a look at some of our other news and updates:

Call2Prayer: Healing for Basma – April 2023

In February, Basma was formally diagnosed with a malignant stomach cancer after undergoing numerous tests. This was unfolding just weeks after the launch of the Facebook for Gulf Women outreach initiative, of which Basma is a vital team member. It is impossible for words to do justice to the hardship that such a diagnosis brings upon anyone – yet for Basma, who has already been through so much, we can’t help but cry out to the Lord in desperate plea.  

More than just a prophet – Fatin’s Story

Our Gulf women’s social media outreach project went live at the end of 2022 and has already been receiving an overwhelmingly positive response. After just 4 months, the team had received over 10,000 direct messages and seen 3 professions of faith! Fatin's story is one example of how this project is transforming the lives of those living in isolated communities in the Gulf. Read how she encountered the truth about Jesus.

Reaching the Gulf: a phenomenal response to women’s team’s new social media outreach

They reached nearly 1 million accounts in their first 4 months – read an encouraging update from the Gulf women’s new media team, who are sharing the Gospel with some of the biggest social media consumers on the planet.