Reaching the Gulf: a phenomenal response to women’s team’s new social media outreach

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Despite the relative wealth and global connectedness of this part of the Middle East, women in the Gulf region live in very isolated and restrictive communities. Long­held societal norms and gendered expectations mean that the chances of them hearing the truth about Jesus on the ground are next-to-none. But this is where their technological advancement is providing unparalleled ministry opportunities. The Gulf spends a lot of time social media. In fact, in January 2023, research by DataReportal found that the top 3 countries in the world for social media use were the UAE, Qatar and Bahrain – all of which are located in the Arabian Gulf.

If you’ve been reading MEMO for a while, you may already know that we have been working with a team of women, all believers from the majority background in the Gulf, who are passionate about reaching other women like them using social media. After two years of our holistic training, the digital space launched on lnstagram and Facebook in December 2022, and the response they have received has been astounding. They expected to reach 800,000 accounts and see two professions of faith in year one.

But in just 4 months, they reached 938,000 accounts, received over 10,000 direct messages, and saw three professions of faith – from both women and men! The people of the Gulf are clearly desperate to know the truth about Jesus.

These communities are often fed lies and targeted by campaigns that propagate misconceptions about Christianity. The women running this project and producing the social content know exactly the kinds of pressures that women from their background encounter on a daily basis, and the barriers that prevent them from truly exploring the Christian message. The content on this platform displays biblical hope, freedom, and truth in accessible ways, and addresses some of these specific cultural and core issues.

This summer, they created a series of videos specifically around the idea of ‘sacrifice’, to coincide with Eid-al-Adha, the ‘Feast of Sacrifice’, which remembers and reenacts the sacrifice of Ibrahim (Abraham). This is an incredibly important observation in the Islamic calendar – also forming an integral part of the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. Eid-al-Adha, lasting three days, fell in June this year, and is taken as a public holiday by people of all faiths across much of the MENA region.

>> Fatin’s Story is just one of this project’s recent successes

Given the very apparent need in this part of the region, we are now raising funds to enable these women to expand their capacity, so that we can train new team members, provide essential follow-up to those reaching out, and continue to create novel content that attracts, engages, and transforms lives. Please keep these women, and those they are reaching, in your prayers.

Pray for this project in the coming months


  • Pray for the team leading the outreach and their workload.

  • Pray for the Lord’s wisdom, blessing upon their skills and creativity.

  • Particularly pray for Basma’s health, and for new women to come on board to help with the project.


  • Pray for those who have decided to follow Jesus already as a result of this ministry.

  • May their hearts be fertile ground for spiritual growth.

  • May the pressures facing new believers in this region not deter them.


  • Pray for those who have been and will be reached by this ministry.

  • May many more realise the truth about the living God and put their trust in Him.

  • May they grow into mature believers who long to share Jesus with others!

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