Call2Prayer: The Glory Christian Centre, Georgia

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Our long-standing partners, Leina and Pastor Salam, from our Gulf office have been following the Lord’s call to walk alongside and nurture Christian believers from the majority background in the Middle East. Over the last few years, seeing the great need for a Christ-centred discipleship ministry that is tailored towards the needs of these believers, Leina and Salam have increasingly felt led to dedicate their lives full-time towards this mission.

Owing to their faith and the amazing providence of God, the Glory Christian Centre (GC Centre) is almost ready to open its doors in the nation of Georgia.  

Leina and Salam have a vision to support a community of maturing Arab, Persian, and Turkish believers from the majority faith background by hosting and discipling them at the GC Centre. Thanks to the great generosity of a number of US donors, they have purchased a building which is currently undergoing large renovations – a large portion of them due for completion this month. The GC Centre will function as a refuge and training centre for believers from the majority faith background who are wearied and endangered by the persecution they face as Christians in their home countries in the Middle East. It is comparatively safer to practice their faith openly in Georgia, which is a Christian country, and the closest destination to the Gulf that does not require a visa upon entry. This means that for believers in crisis needing to flee persecution with urgency, they can land here legally and safely. 

Having taken many believers from the Gulf here on spiritual retreats, Leina and the team have witnessed just how much of an impact being in a physically safe environment has upon them. Instead of always needing to be on red-alert, these believers can rest without fear and heal in the presence of the Lord. Now, with these new permanent premises, this positive impact upon their spiritual wellbeing no longer has to be something temporary.

The mission of the GC Centre’s ministry has three prongs: Heal, Grow, and Go.

The prevalence of distorted identities, spiritual and emotional abuse, and lies that govern the lives of believers from the majority background before they come to know Christ all hinder their spiritual growth after they come to faith. Leina, Salam and the team already – and will increasingly through the centre – facilitate healing and freedom from these issues, by discipling believers to live out their identity in Christ. Through mentoring, Bible study, counselling, group study and prayer ministry, believers are released from their shackles and grow in maturity to reflect Christlikeness. When individuals are ready, the team equip them with the training, coaching and resources they need to be disciples who model the Gospel to others. Gradually, they begin to discover their gifts and learn how to use them for the Glory of God – wherever they are. Eventually, the prayer for every believer who comes through the ministry is that they will be able to return to their homelands as confident, biblically-rooted disciples who hold out the word of life to others from their communities. They will be continually supported through prayer networks, ongoing mentoring, and in-context connections with other believers from their backgrounds.

The GC Centre will also serve as a refuge for missionaries in surrounding nations, as well as an outreach facility for Arabic-speaking students and tourists in the nation of Georgia. The maturing believers being discipled through the centre will have the opportunity to practice using their gifts to serve in the country, particularly through partnership with a local church. This is all part of equipping them to return home, secure in their calling.  

We praise God that, just last month, the Lord provided $100k from US donors to enable Leina and Salam to pay the second instalment on the centre premises, and have been blessed with a wealth of donated resources. This month, and indeed the rest of 2023, are pivotal for the establishment of the GC Centre.

Please be praying with us for Leina, Pastor Salam, and the team, specifically for:

  • The safe arrival of a large shipment of donated equipment, due to arrive in Georgia at the end of July. The shipment contains 6000 books, furniture, electronic equipment and musical instruments, all for use in the centre. 

  • The completion of phase one of the renovations to the centre, so that it can begin to host conferences. Please be praying for the work being done to be done properly and professionally, but swiftly. Pray that there will be no hindrances with funding, transfers from the US, and all the legalities involved in this process.

  • The $100k needed for the last and final payment for the complete purchase of the premises, due in November 2023. They are appealing to partners in the US for this funding.

  • Leina and the team as they transition from 23 years of ministry in the Gulf, to establishing this new full-time calling in Georgia. May the Lord be readying their hearts in the most appropriate way, as well as giving them energy, strength and wisdom.

  • Ongoing and new connections with believers in Georgia who support and help deliver the vision of the GC Centre. Praise God for the local church who has already partnered with them in faith!

  • Those whose lives have already been transformed, and for all those who will receive transformation and healing through the GC Centre. Pray that the Lord will be stirring their hearts and drawing many believers from the Middle East closer to Him as He establishes this initiative, and many are prepared to go out as salt and light in their communities. We believe that God has a mighty call upon this centre and these believers from the majority background – please be praying against the arrows of the enemy, and for His kingdom to reign in Georgia and beyond!

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