Gift in your Will

Your Gift Will Enable Life-Transformation For Generations To Come

In the Middle East, millions of people have yet to experience the love and hope found in Jesus Christ. MEM is committed to changing this through innovative and culturally relevant media, produced and distributed in local languages. With your help, we can continue to bring life-changing messages to those who need them most.

Read how gifts in wills have made an impact
An interview with Wayne Larson, International Director

Wayne began his career in TV and radio, before helping to launch MEM’s North Africa-based production ministry over 30 years ago. Wayne co-led the Gulf team until 2017, when he became MEM’s International Director. In this interview, Wayne shares how gifts in wills have enabled us to grow and continue our vital work.

What has been the impact of gifts in Wills recently?

Gifts left in Wills have a multiplier effect for ministry potential. They have opened doors for us to achieve things we wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. They have allowed us to launch ministry projects that might have been delayed for years. It’s also been hugely uplifting for our teams. When they see that someone who has faithfully supported our mission wants to continue investing, even beyond their lifetime, it’s an incredible encouragement, both emotionally and spiritually.

“A legacy gift has a multiplier effect for ministry potential.” – Wayne Larson, MEM International Director

What’s the difference between a gift in a Will and other types of giving?

The most striking thing is that these gifts usually come in just at the right time. It feels like God speaks to us about starting a new initiative, and then, out of nowhere, a gift arrives to support that work. They are usually a complete surprise, but we always know that God is working, especially when we have a significant financial need and He provides through a gift in someone’s will.

What projects have gifts in Wills enabled to happen recently?

Thanks to these gifts, we’ve been able to complete several key projects, like producing 20 episodes of On Bended Knee, finishing Life in The Desert animations, and creating 23 videos to help another Christian organisations in the Middle East. We’ve also been able to invest in the growth and development of MEM itself and fund things that are harder cover, like health insurance and equipment for our teams in the Middle East. 

Where will my gift go?

The best way to help is by leaving a gift for the ministry as a whole, so we can allocate it where it’s most needed. But if you have a specific area or region in mind, you can let us know.

Who ensures my gift is used wisely?

Our International Director and leadership team review the ministry’s needs and decide where the gift will make the biggest impact, with approval from the board and trustees.

Any final thoughts for those considering leaving a gift in their Will?

Thank you for considering supporting MEM in this way. Your current support means a lot to us, and we hope you’ll be part of our journey for many more years to come, seeing firsthand the incredible things God is doing through our ministry.

Story of impact:

Sadia, an Iraqi woman*, found hope through one of our online videos. She was able to connect with us online and we talked with her about Jesus. We shared a digital Bible with her, discussed bible verses together and answered her many questions. Through these conversations she gave her life to Jesus. We are now continuing to disciple her and we have connected to her to a local church community so that she can grow and flourish in her faith. Your gift ensures that more stories like Sadia’s are possible.

*name and nationality changed

How to Leave a Gift in Your Will:

  1. Consult with Your Lawyer: Adding MEM to your will is a simple process. Your lawyer or legal advisor can help you include MEM as a beneficiary. If you already have a Will, MEM can provide you with a codicil – a supplement to a Will – amending part of it, whilst avoiding the expense of changing your Will.
  2. Our Details for Your Will:
    • Name: Middle East Media (MEM)
    • Charity Registration: 271373 (UK & EU), 36-2934532 (USA)
    • Address:

Unit 142, 23 King St, Cambridge, CB1 1AH (MEM UK & EU)

PO Box 4949, Wheaton IL 60189-4949 (MEM USA)

  1. Types of Gifts:
    • A specific sum of money
    • A percentage of your estate (what’s left after you’ve given to those closest to you)
    • A specific asset (property, stocks, etc.)

Thinking about leaving a gift in your will is a deeply personal decision, and we’re here to answer any questions you might have. Find our contact details in the footer below or use our contact form to ask any questions.